The press conference aimed to clarify the apparent clash of concert dates between Lutalo and fellow artist Fik Fameica, sparking concerns within the industry.

Lutalo, with his characteristic calm demeanor, took the stage to dispel any rumors and misconceptions surrounding the simultaneous scheduling of his "Babongote Concert" on January 27, 2024, at Serena Hotel, and Fik Fameica's event on the preceding day.
The artist began by expressing his surprise at the coincidence, claiming he was unaware of Fik Fameica's concert plans on January 26, 2024. He emphasized the diversity of their fan bases, asserting that their musical styles cater to different audiences. "Fik and I have distinct styles, and our fans are unique.
There's room for both of us to shine without stepping on each other's toes," Lutalo stated.
Highlighting his own absence from the Serena Hotel stage for the past 15 years, Lutalo shed light on the significance of his chosen venue. The "Babongote Concert" was not just a musical event; it was a milestone marking his return to a venue he had not graced in over a decade and a half.
With a chuckle, Lutalo addressed the speculation about his attempt to set a record with two concerts in a span of five months. "I'm not trying to break any records; I'm simply answering the call of my fans who have been yearning for more live performances," he clarified.
Perhaps the most unexpected moment of the press conference came when Lutalo urged the public to rally behind Fik Fameica's concert. "Let's promote Fik's show together. We're all part of the same industry, and there's no competition that should divide us," Lutalo remarked, surprising many with his open support for his fellow artist.
In a gesture of camaraderie, Lutalo extended a heartfelt invitation to Fik Fameica's fans, encouraging them to attend and support the event on January 26, 2024. "Fik is a talented artist, and his success is important for the entire industry. I hope his fans will join me in celebrating his music on that day," Lutalo added.
As the press conference concluded, the atmosphere was one of relief and unity within the Ugandan music community. Lutalo's message of collaboration and mutual support resonated with many, and fans eagerly anticipated the upcoming concerts, hoping for a harmonious celebration of diverse musical talents in the East African nation.